What We Do
We provide housing for women and their children offering medium-term housing (6 months – 18 months) while they are supported to find permanent accommodation.

How We Help You
We help women living in our transitional housing by:
- providing assistance with housing and rental paperwork
- listening to you
- giving you emotional support
- providing case management services
- legal referrals
- counselling and therapy referrals
Who This Is For
Our service is for women with or without children who require transitional housing.

When We Are Open And How To Reach Us
The office is open Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm.
Call: 02 4474 3226 or
Email: eurodfv@sewacs.org.au to request assistance
Feedback From The People We Work With
“Thank you for your support and your belief in me, it means the world to me.”
More Feedback From The People We Work With
“My case worker helped me get my house. I am now free from violence. I am safe and happy. Thank you for such a great service”