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The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-22

National Plan CoverThe National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-22 (the National Plan) is a 12-year strategy which aims to bring together Commonwealth, state and territory government efforts, as well as the important work being done by civil society, the business sector and the Australian community more broadly to make a sustained reduction in the levels of violence against women and their children.

The Commonwealth Government wants to hear your ideas for action we can take at a national level to embed what has been achieved so far, fill gaps and strengthen implementation of the National Plan.

If you would like to make a written submission or for more information about the National Plan, visit The National Plan to reduce violence against women and their children web site:

Smart Safe website – Supporting women’s safety

rel-serv-icon-3This website provides women with some great resources for personal safety. There are links to booklets, how-to videos, easy legal guides and links to apps and support services. It is prepared by the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV), who advocates for the safe use of technology for victim/survivors of family violence and works to prevent the misuse of technology by perpetrators of abuse.

The link is